## Personal Data Processing Information Notice
### Data Controller and Representative:
In accordance with the Law on the Protection of Personal Data No. 6698, your personal data will be processed by KAÇIK KEÇI GIDA SANAYI TICARET ANONIM SIRKETI (“our Company”) as the data controller, within the scope described below:
- Processing personal data in compliance with the law and principles of honesty
- Keeping personal data accurate and up-to-date when necessary
- Processing personal data for specific, explicit, and legitimate purposes
- Processing personal data in a relevant, limited, and measured manner
- Retaining personal data for the duration required by relevant legislation or the purposes for which they are processed
- Informing and notifying personal data owners
- Establishing a system to allow personal data owners to exercise their rights
- Taking necessary measures for the protection of personal data
- Acting in accordance with relevant legislation and KVK Board regulations when transferring personal data to third parties
- Deleting or destroying personal data in accordance with legally defined procedures and timeframes
### Purpose of Processing Personal Data:
The collected personal data will be processed by our Company for the following purposes:
- Customizing and recommending products and services offered by our Company according to your preferences, usage habits, and needs
- Performing necessary activities by our business units to benefit you from the products and services offered by our Company
- Ensuring the legal and commercial security of those in a business relationship with our Company
- Determining, planning, and implementing our Company's commercial and business strategies
- Protecting the commercial reputation and trust established by our Company
- Carrying out our Company's commercial activities
Personal data will be processed within the scope of the personal data processing conditions and purposes specified in Articles 5 and 6 of the KVK Law.
### To Whom and For What Purpose Personal Data May Be Transferred:
Your personal data may be transferred for the above-mentioned purposes to regulatory and supervisory authorities, relevant public institutions, professional organizations, and similar organizations, as well as to persons or organizations permitted by the Turkish Commercial Code and relevant legislation. It may also be shared with legally authorized public and/or private legal entities, our consultants, auditors, and/or service providers, in line with the personal data processing conditions and purposes specified in Articles 8 and 9 of the Law No. 6698.
When your personal data is shared with third parties, necessary security measures are taken.
### Method and Legal Basis for Collecting Personal Data:
Your personal data is collected by our Company through various means, including verbal, written, or electronic channels, and through surveys, websites, employees and representatives, mobile applications, and similar channels, for the purposes outlined above. This data is collected to provide, improve, and carry out our Company's commercial activities and to fulfill our contractual and legal obligations accurately and completely. The collected data is processed and transferred within the scope of the conditions and purposes listed in Articles 5 and 6 of the KVK Law, and as specified in sections (II) and (III) of this information notice.
### Rights of Personal Data Owners under Article 11 of the KVK Law:
Personal data owners have the right to:
- Learn whether personal data is processed
- Request information if personal data has been processed
- Learn the purpose of processing personal data and whether they are used in accordance with their purpose
- Know the third parties to whom personal data is transferred domestically or abroad
- Request correction of incomplete or inaccurate personal data
- Request deletion or destruction of personal data under the conditions specified in Article 7 of the Law
- Request notification of the actions taken pursuant to items (e) and (f) to third parties to whom personal data has been transferred
- Object to the occurrence of any result that is to their detriment by analyzing the processed data exclusively through automated systems
- Request compensation for damages arising from the unlawful processing of personal data
### Data Security:
KAÇIK KEÇI GIDA SANAYI TICARET ANONIM SIRKETI protects your personal data with all necessary technical and administrative security measures in accordance with information security standards and procedures. These security measures are provided at a level appropriate to the potential risk, considering technological possibilities.
### Complaints and Contact:
Your personal data is diligently protected within the scope of technical and administrative capabilities, and necessary security measures are taken at an appropriate level considering technological possibilities and potential risks. In accordance with Article 13, paragraph 1 of the KVK Law, you can submit your requests regarding your rights mentioned above to our Company in writing or through other methods determined by the Board. If new application methods are determined by the Personal Data Protection Board, these methods will be announced by our Company.
You can send your requests under the Law, by filling out the “Personal Data Protection Law Application Form” on our website and sending it:
- By mail with a wet signature to Hoşsohbet Sk. Panorama Selenium Residence Mağaza 1 Gayrettepe, Istanbul / Turkey, to the attention of the "Human Resources" department, with the envelope labeled "Personal Data Protection Law Information Request"
- Through a notary
- By secure electronic or mobile signature to our registered email address or an email address registered in our system
- By sending a "word or pdf." formatted document signed with a secure e-signature to hello@petracoffee.com, with the subject line "Personal Data Protection Law Information Request."
We kindly ask you to send your requests within the scope of the Law by filling out the Information Request Form and following the methods specified in the form.
### Data Controller and Representative:
In accordance with the Law on the Protection of Personal Data No. 6698, your personal data will be processed by KAÇIK KEÇI GIDA SANAYI TICARET ANONIM SIRKETI (“our Company”) as the data controller, within the scope described below:
- Processing personal data in compliance with the law and principles of honesty
- Keeping personal data accurate and up-to-date when necessary
- Processing personal data for specific, explicit, and legitimate purposes
- Processing personal data in a relevant, limited, and measured manner
- Retaining personal data for the duration required by relevant legislation or the purposes for which they are processed
- Informing and notifying personal data owners
- Establishing a system to allow personal data owners to exercise their rights
- Taking necessary measures for the protection of personal data
- Acting in accordance with relevant legislation and KVK Board regulations when transferring personal data to third parties
- Deleting or destroying personal data in accordance with legally defined procedures and timeframes
### Purpose of Processing Personal Data:
The collected personal data will be processed by our Company for the following purposes:
- Customizing and recommending products and services offered by our Company according to your preferences, usage habits, and needs
- Performing necessary activities by our business units to benefit you from the products and services offered by our Company
- Ensuring the legal and commercial security of those in a business relationship with our Company
- Determining, planning, and implementing our Company's commercial and business strategies
- Protecting the commercial reputation and trust established by our Company
- Carrying out our Company's commercial activities
Personal data will be processed within the scope of the personal data processing conditions and purposes specified in Articles 5 and 6 of the KVK Law.
### To Whom and For What Purpose Personal Data May Be Transferred:
Your personal data may be transferred for the above-mentioned purposes to regulatory and supervisory authorities, relevant public institutions, professional organizations, and similar organizations, as well as to persons or organizations permitted by the Turkish Commercial Code and relevant legislation. It may also be shared with legally authorized public and/or private legal entities, our consultants, auditors, and/or service providers, in line with the personal data processing conditions and purposes specified in Articles 8 and 9 of the Law No. 6698.
When your personal data is shared with third parties, necessary security measures are taken.
### Method and Legal Basis for Collecting Personal Data:
Your personal data is collected by our Company through various means, including verbal, written, or electronic channels, and through surveys, websites, employees and representatives, mobile applications, and similar channels, for the purposes outlined above. This data is collected to provide, improve, and carry out our Company's commercial activities and to fulfill our contractual and legal obligations accurately and completely. The collected data is processed and transferred within the scope of the conditions and purposes listed in Articles 5 and 6 of the KVK Law, and as specified in sections (II) and (III) of this information notice.
### Rights of Personal Data Owners under Article 11 of the KVK Law:
Personal data owners have the right to:
- Learn whether personal data is processed
- Request information if personal data has been processed
- Learn the purpose of processing personal data and whether they are used in accordance with their purpose
- Know the third parties to whom personal data is transferred domestically or abroad
- Request correction of incomplete or inaccurate personal data
- Request deletion or destruction of personal data under the conditions specified in Article 7 of the Law
- Request notification of the actions taken pursuant to items (e) and (f) to third parties to whom personal data has been transferred
- Object to the occurrence of any result that is to their detriment by analyzing the processed data exclusively through automated systems
- Request compensation for damages arising from the unlawful processing of personal data
### Data Security:
KAÇIK KEÇI GIDA SANAYI TICARET ANONIM SIRKETI protects your personal data with all necessary technical and administrative security measures in accordance with information security standards and procedures. These security measures are provided at a level appropriate to the potential risk, considering technological possibilities.
### Complaints and Contact:
Your personal data is diligently protected within the scope of technical and administrative capabilities, and necessary security measures are taken at an appropriate level considering technological possibilities and potential risks. In accordance with Article 13, paragraph 1 of the KVK Law, you can submit your requests regarding your rights mentioned above to our Company in writing or through other methods determined by the Board. If new application methods are determined by the Personal Data Protection Board, these methods will be announced by our Company.
You can send your requests under the Law, by filling out the “Personal Data Protection Law Application Form” on our website and sending it:
- By mail with a wet signature to Hoşsohbet Sk. Panorama Selenium Residence Mağaza 1 Gayrettepe, Istanbul / Turkey, to the attention of the "Human Resources" department, with the envelope labeled "Personal Data Protection Law Information Request"
- Through a notary
- By secure electronic or mobile signature to our registered email address or an email address registered in our system
- By sending a "word or pdf." formatted document signed with a secure e-signature to hello@petracoffee.com, with the subject line "Personal Data Protection Law Information Request."
We kindly ask you to send your requests within the scope of the Law by filling out the Information Request Form and following the methods specified in the form.